Ants Can Support 5,000 Times Their Body Weight Before Losing Their Heads

Ants Can Support 5,000 Times Their Body Weight Before Losing Their Heads

Imagine a creature so strong, it can support 5,000 times its own weight. This isn't a mythical beast, but a humble ant. Let's delve into the fascinating world of these tiny powerhouses and explore the science behind their incredible strength.

The ability of worker ants to carry many times their own body weight is well documented, but new research on heavy-lifting ants reveals that the neck joint of a common American field ant can withstand pressures up to 5,000 times greater than its own weight.

Ants are impressive mechanical systems – astounding, really,” said Carlos Castro, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Ohio State.

For the research Castro and his team chose the Allegheny mound ant (Formica exsectoides), a common ant not particularly know for its ability to lift.

The ant specimens were imaged with an electron microscope and a micro-CT scanner, then they were refrigerated to induce anesthesia before being glued into place on a specially designed centrifuge that measured the force necessary to deform the neck and eventually separate the head from the ant’s body.

Similar to a spinning carnival ride

In the case of the ants, their heads were glued in place on the floor of the centrifuge, so that as it spun, the ants’ bodies would be pulled outward until their necks ruptured


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