April Fools’ Day: Beyond Predictable Pranks – A Guide for Innovative Founders and Product Teams

April Fools’ Day: Beyond Predictable Pranks – A Guide for Innovative Founders and ProductGeeks

April 1st – the day when the internet collectively indulges in corporate shitposting.

But founders/productgeeks, for eff sake - let’s rise above the mundane! Let’s move beyond the clichéd “X acquires Y” or “X launches Y” pranks. Those are as exciting as watching paint dry.

Instead, let’s mix your humor into where it matters the most - i.e. your product 🚀

The Challenge: Embed the Joke

Founders, here’s your mission: weave the joke into your product. Hide it like a treasure chest waiting to be discovered. Why? Because this isn’t just about investor pitches; it’s about understanding how users engage with your creation.

Imagine slipping the prank onto your app’s homescreen – and ...NO RESPONSE. That’s a wake-up call. 🕵️‍♂️

Or viral response! That's a wow moment !

Igniting Imagination

Can you spark your users’ imagination? Google nailed this with its April Fools’ jokes. Remember when they let us play PacMan on Google Maps?

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