The single most push or change that would have an impact around the world right now is money…Public-private partnerships which is what is going to be discussed here is a critical leverage point for our ability to be able to look people in the eye and say we are doing everything that we have possible. – Secretary John Kerry, President Biden’s special adviser on climate

This insightful discussion delves into the potential of uniting philanthropic, development support and private capital to expedite the transition towards a net-zero, nature-positive economy.

It highlights the pressing need for climate action, innovative financial strategies, and the crucial role of public-private collaborations in combating climate change.

Table of Contents

  1. Imperative for Swift Climate Action
  2. Call for Long-Term Investment Strategies
  3. Significance of Financial Resources
  4. Climate Crisis as Health Emergency
  5. Promoting Renewable Energy Use
  6. Value of Public-Private Partnerships
  7. Role of Philanthropy
  8. Impact of Entrepreneurship
  9. Challenge of Securing Funding Commitments
  10. Advancements in Renewable Energy Investments
  11. Rising Demand Among Institutional Investors
  12. Focus on Hard-to-Abate Sectors

Imperative for Swift Climate Action

The need for swift climate action is emphasized by referring to 2023 as the warmest year on record with extreme weather events occurring globally.

A consensus is reached that despite some progress, global communities and businesses are not doing enough.

Radical changes in systems including food production, energy generation, transportation, and urban planning are necessary to decelerate global warming.

Call for Long-Term Investment Strategies

There is a call for longer investment horizons in tackling climate change due to an overemphasis on short-term profits.

The need for collaboration between private capital, development finance institutions, philanthropy and more is highlighted – forming new partnerships that can deliver long-term benefits while addressing this urgent issue.