Creativity – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Creativity – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Creativity does not happen inside people’s heads but in the interaction between a person’s thoughts and a sociocultural context. It is a systemic rather than an individual phenomenon.

Creativity: Now You Know!

One of the values in walking to work is mental meandering. Or if driving, not to have the car radio on…Mental meandering, mind wandering and so on, is an essential process. If you are allowing that mentation to be driven by the radio or the television or other people’s conversations, you are just cutting down on your intellectual exploratory time.

Elements Of Finding Flow

The Ways Of Creative People

Traits Of A Creative Person

You must always have an obsession. You must always have too little time instead of too much

Five Steps Of The Creative Process

Motivating Creativity

Creative people all love what they do. It is not the hope of achieving fame or making money that drives them; rather, it is the opportunity to do the work that they enjoy doing.

Most people enjoy “designing or discovering something new.”


We are also motivated by the force of entropy. It gives us pleasure when we are comfortable, when we relax, or when we can get away with feeling good without expending energy.

Even the most creative person must overcome the barrier of entropy. It is impossible to accomplish something that is truly new and worthwhile without struggling with it.

Enhance your Creativity

How Creative Is Our Idea

Criteria For An Idea to Be Considered “Creative”:

A Creative Surrounding

One must be in a position to access the domain in which one plans to work. Information is not distributed evenly in space but is clumped in different geographical nodes.

Novel stimulation is not evenly distributed. Some environments have a greater density of interaction and provide more excitement and a greater effervescence of ideas.

Ideas for Creating an Inspiring Environment

The evidence suggests that unusual and beautiful surroundings may in face help us see situations more holistically and from novel viewpoints.

How one spends time in a beautiful natural setting seems to matter as well. Just sitting and watching is fine, but taking a leisurely walk seems to be even better.


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