Do gut microbes control your personality? Biologist Kathleen McAuliffe explores

Do gut microbes control your personality? Biologist Kathleen McAuliffe explores

‘Gut bacteria can talk to the brain because we, meaning our microbes and human cells, all speak the same language.’ – Kathleen McAuliffe

Biologist Kathleen McAuliffe delves into the fascinating world of gut microbiota, exploring how these microscopic organisms might shape our personality, mood, and health. The emerging science around this topic could revolutionize our approach to treating various diseases.

Table of Contents

  1. The Power of Microbiota
  2. Microbes Influence Behavior
  3. Link Between Gut Bacteria and Weight
  4. Communication between Gut Bacteria and Brain
  5. Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) Treatment
  6. Microbiota Research Progress
  7. Gut Bacteria and Parkinson’s Disease

The Power of Microbiota

Microbiota – bacteria, protozoa, fungi and other unicellular creatures inhabiting our bodies – play a crucial role not just in digestion but also in influencing mood, energy level, appetite, memory and possibly even personality.

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Microbes Influence Behavior

The behavioral impact of microbiota is evident when comparing normal mice with ‘bubble mice’.

Bubble mice raised in sterile conditions lack curiosity and have slow learning abilities.

However, their behavior normalizes if they are colonized early with normal microbiota.

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