Expert Secrets –  Russell Brunson

Expert Secrets – Russell Brunson

Understand your customer, and build your marketing framework.

Teaching Your Frameworks

Introduce the framework in Step 0

Give the audience a description of your framework and its name.

Step 1: Explain how you acquired it (your knowledge) or acquired it (through your experiences)

Step 2. Disseminate the plan (the what you do)

Give the framework’s general layout.

Step 3. Teach the strategies.

Most of the material is taught at this location.

Step 4. Show them how it works for others.

How to Create Frameworks

1. Create your framework hypothesis: make a bullet list of things you would want to teach yourself before you began this journey.  

2. Test your framework hypothesis on yourself

3. Give your framework a proprietary name: give it an easy name.

4. Create a description: “(Framework name) My X-step framework/system/process) for (result).”

People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions, and help them throw rocks at their enemies.

Build Rapport with The Hero

We build rapport with the hero by giving him at least two of the following:

A victim of some outside force, so we want to root for them

The Hero’s Two Journeys

The plot of every good story has three simple elements:

In order for the character to go on a journey to achieve his desire, he has to separate from his ordinary world.

During this separation, it’s essential that the storyteller get the audience to care about the hero. We do this through two things:

The Three Core Markets or Desires

Every product is marketed through three primary markets or desires:

When people purchase a product or service, they’re hoping to get a certain result in one of these three areas of their lives.

Many products can be marketed toward achieving more than one desire, but your marketing message can focus only on one of them.

The Mentor/Expert/Guide

The 3 Core Groups of People in Each Marketplace

“The Diehard” is in love with the current product. Switching a Diehard to a new product requires a major identity shift.

“The Satisfied” uses the product they bought but isn’t in love with it. Switching the Satisfied to a new product requires a significant price or value benefit.

“The Frustrated” also uses the product they bought, but they hate it.

Finding Your Voice: The 5 phases to becoming an expert

1. The Dreamer: Passion = Fascination + Mastery

2. Reporter: familiarise yourself with all aspects of your subject from various perspectives.

3. Framework Creator: Identify success patterns and create your own frameworks to assist others in achieving success.

4. Servant: Test your framework on yourself before using it on others to make it better and make sure it works.

5. Start guiding others to their goal as an expert guide.

The Four Core Stories

1. Your origin story with the new opportunity. This is the Epiphany Bridge story that tells how you discovered your new opportunity

2. Vehicle framework story (how you learned or earned it).

3. Internal beliefs story.

4. External beliefs story.

Creating Your Movement

To create a movement, you need 3 things:

Introduce the Desire

Every story is about a journey, either toward pleasure or away from pain.

There are four core desires that drive most heroes:

Win: the heart of someone they love, fame, money, competition, or prestige.

Retrieve: wants to obtain something and bring it back.

Escape: desires to get away from something that’s upsetting or causing pain.

Stop: bad things from happening.

Rooting For The Hero

We are all rooting for the hero to complete this journey. While this journey is what drives the story forward, it’s the second journey that matters the most. In fact, in many stories, the hero never actually achieves their end goal.

Or if they do, they give it up for the real transformational journey that they’ve been on throughout the story.

The Future-Based Cause

Our job as an expert and guide for our audience is to help cast a vision for what is possible and bring our people to higher ground, to move them from where they are to where they want to be.

Your job as the expert is to guide your dream customers on a journey of both achievement and transformation.

Casting The Vision: The Steps

Step #1: Launch Your “Platform” to Be Your Dream Customer’s Guide to the Result

Step #2: Give Them an Identity Shift

Step #3: Create Milestone Awards (Journey of Achievement)

Step #4: Unite with a Social Mission (Journey of Transformation)

Building a story inventory

1. False belief chains List all of the false beliefs that your customers may have about your new opportunity, followed by vehicle frameworks, internal false beliefs, and external false beliefs.


2. Experiential learning. Write the type of experience they may have had that gave them that false belief next to each false belief you listed.


3. Narratives. Write the story that the experience inspired in their mind next to each experience.


4. New Bridges to the Light. Consider your own Epiphany Bridge story for each of these myths.

The Achievement and the real, hidden journey

As the hero finally ends their journey, they’re transformed into a new person.

Sometimes heroes get what they have been trying to achieve throughout the story, and oftentimes they don’t.

This is the hero’s second, real journey. Who have they become, and how have they evolved? This journey is the death of their old identity and their rebirth as a new person. 

Creating Belief: The Epiphany Bridge

Your goal isn’t to try to sell anyone anything. Your goal is to guide them to their own decision.

Epiphany Bridge: a story that takes people through the emotional experience that got you excited about the new opportunity you’re presenting. Your epiphany is the aha moment when you learned about your new opportunity

Effective Storytelling

Oversimplification: speak at about a third-grade level

“Kinda like” bridge: if you need to teach a concept that’s past a third-grade level, say, “It’s kinda like…” and relate it to something customers already know

Making them feel: add feelings and emotions. Your customer needs to be in the same state that you were in when you received your aha moment

The Journey, the Conflict, and the Villain

The villain’s role in the story makes us want the hero to succeed.

A person can be the villain, or it can be a false belief system. Our job is to demonize and defeat the belief system so that we can tell our audience the truth.

The New Opportunity

Rather than trying to improve on someone else’s product or service, create your own new opportunity to set yourself apart from the competition.

If you want people to buy from you, you have to show them how your product or service will increase their status.

When marketing, focus on as many status increases as you can that apply to your product or service.

Your goal is to load up the status-increase side and minimize the status-decrease side.

Factors that elevate status:

How to Create a New Opportunity

Step #1: What is the result your dream customers are trying to achieve?


 Step #2: Figure out the “vehicle” they are currently using to try to get that result?


Step #3—The Opportunity Switch

Provide an entirely new vehicle for your dream customers to get to their desired result

 Step #4—The Opportunity Stack

You should offer only one opportunity switch (new opportunity).


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