Food Rules –  Michael Pollan, Maira Kalman

Food Rules – Michael Pollan, Maira Kalman

We have been eating wrong all our lives. This book shakes our belief patterns on food and diet.

What we need to know about food

The western diet is responsible for nearly all Type II diabetics, 80% of all cardiovascular disorders, and 33% of all malignancies.

These diseases do not affect populations that consume a diverse range of unrefined foods.

Your health may improve if you abandon the Western diet.

Food processing eliminates nutrients, introduces contaminants, and increases absorbability (causing insulin challenges).

The Truth About Plants

Scientists may disagree on what makes plants so beneficial—the antioxidants? fibre? What about omega-3 fatty acids?— But they all agree that they’re probably good for you and can’t hurt.

Countless studies show that a diet high in vegetables and fruits lowers the risk of dying from all Western diseases.

You’ll consume far fewer calories if you eat a plant-based diet, because plant foods—with the exception of seeds, grains, and nuts—are typically less “energy dense” than the other things you eat. Vegetarians live longer and are healthier than carnivores.

Remember, the whiter the bread, the quicker you’ll drop dead.

Those supplements are not working

How to Eat

Food To Avoid

Consume only foods that will rot over time.

The Western Diet

Populations that consume a so-called Western diet—generally defined as a diet high in processed foods and meat, high in added fat and sugar, high in refined grains, high in everything except vegetables, fruits, and whole grains—always suffer from Western diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

How can this be avoided?

It’s not food if…

Remember: If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was manufactured in a plant, avoid it.

Fermented Foods

A Different Diet

People who eat a diverse range of traditional foods are less likely to develop these chronic diseases. These diets range from extremely high in fat (the Inuit of Greenland live primarily on seal blubber) to extremely high in carbohydrate (Central American Indians live primarily on maize and beans) to extremely high in protein (Masai tribesmen in Africa subsist chiefly on cattle blood, meat, and milk).

They make you sick and then charge to make you feel better

The more food you process, the more profitable it becomes. Despite the fact that it is an unhealthy diet, you are usually marketed processed food because it is highly profitable for the companies.

The healthcare sector makes more money treating chronic diseases (trillions of dollars per year) than it does preventing them.

Example: Artificial sweeteners: For unknown reasons, research (in both humans and animals) suggests that switching to artificial sweeteners does not result in weight loss. However, it is possible that deceiving the brain with a sweet reward stimulates a craving for even more sweetness.


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