Free to Focus – Michael Hyatt

Free to Focus – Michael Hyatt

True productivity is about doing more of what is in your desire zone and less of everything else.

The Yes-No-Yes Strategy To Give A “Positive No”

Yes. Say yes to yourself and protect what is important to you. 

No. The answer continues with a matter-of-fact no that is clear and sets boundaries. No wiggle room or ambiguity.

Yes. End the response by affirming the relationship again and by offering another solution.

Rejuvenate: Reenergize Your Mind and Body

Cut: Eliminate To Flex Your “No” Muscle

If we want to be free to focus, we must eliminate everything standing in our way. That doesn’t mean simply saying no to a lot of bad ideas; it also means turning down a ton of good ideas.

Everything outside your Desire Zone is a possible candidate for elimination.

The 3 Categories of Activity

Front Stage. The tasks for which you’re hired and paid. The key functions, primary deliverables, the line items on your performance review. If it delivers the results for which your boss and/or customers are paying you, that’s Front Stage work.

Back Stage. Includes elimination, automation, and delegation plus coordination, preparation, maintenance, and development.  

Off Stage. Refers to time when you’re not working. 

Act: Consolidate and Plan Your Ideal Week

Design your work to focus on just one thing at a time.

Batching: lumping similar tasks together and doing them in a dedicated block of time

Mega Batching: organizing entire days around similar activities to enable you to stay focused and build momentum.

The Not-To-Do List: Renegotiate Existing Commitments

How to create a Not-To-Do List

Defeat Distractions

Designing Your Life For Freedom

You should design your life first and then tailor work to meet your lifestyle objectives.

You should have freedom to:

Evaluate: Determine Your Course

You can evaluate tasks, activities, and opportunities based on two key criteria:

Passion: the work you love and that what energizes you

Proficiency: how well you actually do something that generates results that other people can measure and reward

To determine where you are right now, use a tool called the Freedom Compass.

The Free to Focus productivity system: Stop

Formulate: Decide What You Want

True productivity starts with being clear on what you truly want. 

The objective of productivity shouldn’t be efficiency or success, but freedom. Productivity should ultimately give you back more time, not require more of you.

How to Plan Your Ideal Week in 3 Steps

Stages. Decide for each day if you’ll be Front Stage, Back Stage, or Off Stage. Reserve at least two days for Front Stage.

Themes. Indicate what type of activities you’ll do on individual days during certain blocks of time. An easy way to start is to think of the morning, workday, and evening.

Activities. Group the individual activities that will fall into those themes.

How to design your day

Automate: Subtract Yourself from the Equation

Self. Use rituals to make it easier for you to follow through on your highest priorities. The 4 Foundational Rituals: morning, evening, workday startup, and workday shutdown.

Template. Automate repetitive tasks with templates.

Process. Write an easy-to-follow set of instructions for performing a job or sequence.

Tech. Focus on the type of tool you need rather than the tool you use.

Delegate: Clone Yourself—or Better

Delegation means focusing primarily on the work only you can do by transferring everything else to others who are more passionate about the work or proficient in the tasks.

Some of us refuse to delegate by convincing ourselves we can’t afford it.

But the hours you spend on Desire Zone tasks will always be more profitable than the time you’re wasting anywhere else.

The 5 Zones of Productivity

True productivity is about doing more of what is in your Desire Zone and less of everything else.

Free To Focus: How To Formulate

Start by defining what your productivity ideal looks like

Then break it down into a few powerful and memorable words

Finally, clarify the stakes by outlining exactly what you stand to gain if you achieve that vision and what you will lose if you don’t.

How to Delegate

Decide what to delegate.

The 5 Levels of Delegation

Level 1. You want the person to do exactly what you’ve asked them to do—no more, no less.

Level 2. You want the person to examine or research a topic and report back to you.

Level 3. You’re giving the person more room to participate in the problem-solving process, but you are still reserving the final decision for yourself.

Level 4. You want the person to evaluate the options, make a decision on their own, execute the decision, and then give you an update after the fact.

Level 5. You hand the entire project or task over to someone else and exit the decision altogether.

Designate: Prioritize Your Tasks

You need to systematically decide what deserves your attention now, what deserves your attention later, and what doesn’t deserve your attention at all.

How to do a weekly review:


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