Go-Givers Sell More – Bob Burg and John David Mann

Go-Givers Sell More – Bob Burg and John David Mann

Go-Givers Sell More explores the powerful concept of ‘value-first’ selling, teaching readers how to transform their approach to sales by focusing on giving, rather than getting. Bob Burg and John David Mann elaborate on five ‘Laws of Stratospheric Success’ that catalyze prosperity and success both in business and personal life.

Honing Empathy

Emphasizing on authentic customer-service relationships, the book advocates for refining empathy.

It underscores the importance of understanding customers’ needs, values, and challenges as a vital driving factor of successful sales.

Skilled Persuasion

The power of persuasion rests on profound listening skills, genuine empathy and providing value.

Strong persuasion skills can forge long-lasting profitable connections and ensure sales sustainability.

Contribution and Collaboration

The spirit of contribution and collaboration fosters relationship building.

Individuals who genuinely contribute to the welfare of others encourage team spirit and support, invaluable to business prosperity.

Non-Manipulative Selling

Non-manipulative selling relies on generating value for customers.

Rather than utilizing push techniques, this approach regards selling as a way to genuinely assist customers fulfill their needs.

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