Harnessing the Power of the Internet to Transform Businesses | Acquired

Harnessing the Power of the Internet to Transform Businesses | Acquired
Harnessing the Power of the Internet to Transform Businesses | Acquired

In this insightful discussion with Ben Thompson, author of the Aggregation Theory, we delve into the vast potential of the internet and its transformative impact on businesses.

Thompson shares his experiences and insights on harnessing the power of the internet to innovate and thrive in the digital era, focusing on the growth of his subscription-based newsletter, Stratechery, and the launch of his paid podcast, Dithering.

Understanding the Market’s Potential

The internet markets are often larger than perceived.

It’s crucial to explore the edges of the market rather than rushing to maximize revenue.

This approach allows for a better understanding of the market’s full potential, enabling more effective strategic decisions.

The Power of Niche Businesses

The internet has enabled a new class of businesses that are neither large corporations nor solo talents.

Niche businesses that can leverage the internet to reach a global audience have significant potential to thrive.

The Barbell Effect of the Internet

The internet creates a ‘barbell effect’ on businesses.

Large businesses can achieve scale and aggregation effects, while small businesses can leverage open-source software and platforms to keep their cost structures near zero.

Businesses in the middle, however, can struggle.

I think on the internet in general, the markets are much larger than people think. I would rather explore the edges of that market, how big it is, as opposed to sort of maximizing my revenue too soon. – Ben Thompson

Winner-Take-All Effects

The internet also creates ‘winner-take-all’ effects in specific markets.

The key to success on the internet is not competing with other businesses but finding your own niche market and becoming the biggest fish in that pond.

Exploring Paid Podcasts

The business model for newsletters can also exist for podcasts.

Marketing and growing a paid podcast can be challenging, but it’s an area worth exploring to harness the potential of the digital revolution.

Balancing Pricing Strategy

Raising prices can boost revenue but may also impact subscriber growth.

As the subscriber base grows, the willingness to pay of the marginal customer may decrease.

Therefore, a balanced pricing strategy is essential to ensure sustained growth.

Shift in Content Consumption

The preference for content consumption is shifting from reading to listening, with many subscribers now preferring podcasts.

While this change has reduced churn, it has also slowed growth as podcasts are not as easily shareable as written content.

Challenges of Growing a Paid Podcast

Growing a paid podcast can be challenging.

Writing is an effective marketing medium as it spreads easily and can lead people to try out a podcast.

However, it’s crucial to provide value to subscribers, such as additional content, to ensure growth.

Adding Value to Subscriptions

Including additional content, like podcasts, in subscriptions can increase their value and help retain long-term subscribers.

While this could lead to content overload, it’s an important step towards achieving long-term business goals.

Collaborations for Growth

Collaborations can help expand offerings and increase the value of subscriptions.

For instance, the launch of ‘Sharp China’, a collaboration with Bill Bishop, helps decrease churn and enhance the subscription’s value, even though it’s the first product not directly involving Thompson.

A big part of subscription is just churn management. I want to make sure this is a long-time subscriber and you get that recurring revenue over time. – Ben Thompson

Importance of Churn Management

Churn management is critical in subscription-based businesses.

Increasing the value of the subscription through additional content can help retain long-term subscribers, ensuring recurring revenue and business sustainability.

Internet’s Impact on Business

The internet has a transformative impact on businesses, creating boundless opportunities and reshaping the business landscape.

Businesses that can adapt, innovate, and leverage the internet’s power can prosper in the fast-paced digital revolution.
