How Detective Work Helps Ultra-High Performers Hit Their Number

How Detective Work Helps Ultra-High Performers Hit Their Number

Make Sales Investigation Part of Your Daily RegimenAn investigative mindset helps ultra-high performing salespeople uncover clues that lead to more business. Here’s how doing a little “detective work” can help you hit your number.Make sales investigation part of your daily regime.

How Looking For Clues Helps You Close More Business

You need to take the time to do some investigating in order to unearth hidden opportunities.

Build Familiarity to Establish Connections

Your detective work may not always find opportunities, but the process you adhere to will always build familiarity with the contacts and connections in your network.

Drive Relationships With A Focus on Value

Ultra-high performers with this mentality are not trying to “sell people” on a product or service. They are focused on awareness and value and looking for moments in time to articulate this.

Take Advantage of Trigger Events

Investigate the social chain of connections and get in contact with potential clients first to get ahead of the competition

Leverage the Availability Bias

People often make decisions based on the information that is in already in front of them


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