How to get everything we expected in our life?

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You have only one

You have only one mind, but it has two areas with different functions.

We all have the power to decide the type of person we wish to be. The subconscious mind, responsible for success, is programmed by our thought and beliefs.

The three steps to

The three steps to success

Love your work

If you are doing a job you genuinely love, it won’t feel like work. You will be ingrained in your craft and completely motivated to continue working. 


Perfecting a craft is a thoroughly rewarding pursuit. Mastering your work will help make you feel more fulfilled, and economic success will follow.


Your love of work cannot be associated with selfish desires. Instead, you gain the most happiness from your motivations being tied to a cause beyond yourself. A cause that serves humanity.

Thoughts and beliefsOur beliefs

Thoughts and beliefs

Our beliefs and language have to be monitored carefully.

If we start to use negative language, we should reverse it immediately to implant positive messages into our subconscious. 

Negative thoughts are highly detrimental. Not only do they impact our emotions, but they also prevent us from succeeding. 

The subconscious mechanismAll of

The subconscious mechanism

All of our aspirations for a better life originate in our subconscious.

We simply need to avoid doubt and worry and instead of planning every little detail, embrace a surety of mind.

Although our intellect will try to obstruct us, we must maintain child-like wonder and faith, imagining our emotional end state that slices through all red tape.

MindfulnessSimilar to the practice


Similar to the practice of mindfulness meditation and examining our thoughts and beliefs as impartial observers do not over-identify with ego and the concept of self.

We often live in our thoughts and feelings, becoming habituated to negative reactions to external events.

The antidote to this is self-observation, where our attention, rather than being fixed on externals, is directed inwards.

WealthWealth is a subconscious


Wealth is a subconscious conviction that we must build into our mental reality.

Wealth isn’t attracted through hard labour or envy, but springs from our subconscious.

However, we must first put aside any doubts or superstitions about money. What we condemn, we can never attract.

Create your realityThere is

Create your reality

There is the relative unimportance of objective reality in this process. Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.

Your thoughts and beliefs make real that which is in your mind, even prior to becoming tangible on an objective level.

Develop a definite plan for turning over your desires to your subconscious mind. Imagine the end desired and feel its reality. Follow it through, and you will get definite results.

FearOverthinking, worrying and anxiety


Overthinking, worrying and anxiety all have a detrimental effect on our physiological processes, which in turn disrupt our subconscious mechanism.

The antidote to this, and in-mindful meditation, is to simply let go, relax, and still the wheels of your thought processes.

During this process, it’s essential not to succumb to fear.


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