How to Instantly Connect with Anyone – Leil Lowndes

How to Instantly Connect with Anyone – Leil Lowndes

Put your world in order.

How to have a one of a kind, noticeably outstanding handshake

A weak handshake shouts instant disconnect!

“You never have a second chance to make a good first impression” is a hackneyed adage. Someone gets an instant second impression of you the moment your eyes lock and your bodies touch in a handshake.

Press their pulse when shaking hands

To create an instant connection with a new acquaintance, lightly place your forefinger on his wrist vein so he feels the warmth of your body flowing into his. This is like touching the shaker’s heart, because a person’s pulse is a wave traveling directly from the heart. heart. However do not press like you are taking his pulse!

How To Make A Great Last Impression

Last impressions are as memorable as first. Pay attention to your passion level as you part, not just when you meet. Your “good bye” must match or, preferably, be bigger than your “hello”

Neither understands how a lively hello and lackluster goodbye affects someone. Subconsciously they feel they disappointed you.

How To Make A Great Last Impression

Last impressions are as memorable as first. Pay attention to your passion level as you part, not just when you meet. Your “good bye” must match or, preferably, be bigger than your “hello”

Neither understands how a lively hello and a lackluster goodbye affect someone. Subconsciously they feel they have disappointed you.

How To Get Lively Conversation Going With People you’ve just met

Anything up close looks larger than when it is at a distance. This is true for both experiences and objects.

When you meet someone, you know next to nothing about him. With very little effort, however, you can find out some trivial facts about his day.

Talking To Complete Strangers

Questions about someone’s last few hours just kickstart the conversation. Ask about her day, preferably the past 5 or 6 hours. Visualize as many details as you can and ask about them. As farfetched as it might seem to you, she is loving it because she is so close to the experience. Soon the natural flow takes over and one subject leads to another.

How to give or avoid social hugs

Many of the effusively invasive huggers say that a hug is a handshake from the heart. Unfortunately, not everyone agrees.

Let them choose whether to hug or not

Pro huggers: camouflage your hugging intentions by keeping your elbow almost touching your waist as you open your arms. That permits your potential huggee make them call of whether to slide into your embrace or grab your right hand and give it a shake or two

How to exchange business cards with class

Hold the business card while chatting

Do not glance at a new acquaintance’s business card and quickly stash it into your pocket.

First, hold it with both hands and gaze at it as though it were a small piece of art hand painted especially for you.

Then you can switch to holding the card with one hand, but continue holding it at waist level or just below. To make her feel esteemed and valued, give it a respectful glance from time to time.

How To Detect If Someone’s Hug Is Fake

Don’t pat when you hug

Stay in an embrace as long or as short as the situation and your hugging partner warrant. But do not let your hands become flippers on her back lest it subliminally signal that you want to disconnect.

Don’t go crazy analyzing it if your cohugger starts patting your back. It commonly occurs when one of the huggers feels the embrace is lasting too long, signifying ‘OK time is up, let’s end this hugging thing”. When she starts patting, smile and smoothly curtail the hug

Make your BYE as big as your HI

The next time you meet someone, make a note of how enthusiastic you sounded when you said hello, and then when it comes time to say goodbye, boost your energy level up a tad higher. If appropriate, inform the person of your pleasure.

Present your business card with pride

Keep your cards in an attractive card case and handle them carefully. You are giving someone a representation of yourself. It shows you take pride in your profession.

Present it horizontally, with the script facing the recipient.

Hold it just a bit higher than usual- not in his face – but at a height where he could almost read it in your hands.

If you respect your work, others will too.

After all, people who love the work they do and do the work they love are the big winners in life.

How to be a successful networking coversationalist

Examine their business card for conversation inspiration

When talk lags, look at your conversational partner’s card again. It can rescue you from discussion deadlock. You will likely find a conversational cue in the card- the logo, his title, the mission statement.


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