In ‘How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less’, Nicholas Boothman reveals the secrets to instantly connecting with others, breaking the ice, and leaving a lasting impression. Through a blend of neuroscience, psychology, and interpersonal skills, Boothman presents a practical guide to establish rapport and foster meaningful relationships.

First Impressions Matter

The first 90 seconds of any interaction can make or break a relationship.

It’s crucial to utilize this window to create a positive impression, which can be achieved through body language, words, and attitude.

The Role of Empathy

Empathy allows you to understand and share the feelings of others.

This can create a deeper emotional connection and make others feel understood and appreciated.

Positive Visualization

Visualizing a positive outcome before an interaction can boost your confidence and improve your performance.

This can also help you to stay calm and focused during the interaction.

The Influence of Physical Contact

Appropriate physical contact, such as a handshake or pat on the back, can convey warmth and friendliness.

However, it’s important to respect personal boundaries and cultural norms.