How to overcome bureaucracy and NIMBYism to start clean energy project?

How to overcome bureaucracy and NIMBYism to start clean energy project?
How to overcome bureaucracy and NIMBYism to start clean energy project?

‘What keeps me up at night is that government red tape combined with NIMBY – that’s ‘not in my backyard’. Opposition will get in the way, government needs to get out of the way and let the private sector build clean energy.’ – Rich Powell

Climate innovation leader Rich Powell explores the bureaucratic roadblocks and NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) mindsets that are preventing the US from accomplishing its green energy targets.

He emphasizes the need for a significant number of new clean energy projects and calls for collective action to overcome these barriers.

Table of Contents

  1. Bureaucratic Hurdles and NIMBY Attitudes
  2. Regulations and Lawsuits Stalling Progress
  3. Government Red Tape vs Private Sector
  4. Transforming American Power System
  5. Obstructive Environmental Laws
  6. Potential Solutions
  7. Call for Collective Action

Bureaucratic Hurdles and NIMBY Attitudes

The pursuit of green energy goals in the US is being hindered by bureaucratic obstacles and NIMBY attitudes.

Projects like Cape Wind, aimed at generating clean electricity through offshore turbines, have been thwarted despite public support due to opposition from wealthy coastal landowners.

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Regulations and Lawsuits Stalling Progress

Regulations and lawsuits have stalled or halted numerous clean energy projects across the country.

These range from renewable initiatives like geothermal, solar, hydro projects to new nuclear plants and pipelines transporting captured carbon dioxide.

Many have been cancelled or remain stuck due to these challenges.