How to Truly Not Give a F*ck (And Find Your Passion): Mark Manson with Kevin Rose

It’s never too late and it’s never too late to change… the change never stops. – Mark Manson

How to Truly Not Give a F*ck (And Find Your Passion): Mark Manson with Kevin Rose
How to Truly Not Give a F*ck (And Find Your Passion): Mark Manson with Kevin Rose

When you start defining things as traumatic, you will start experiencing them as traumatic even if they’re not because of that expectation effect. – Mark Manson

Mark Manson is a three-time #1 New York Times bestselling author including the “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck”. In this interview Mark and Kevin Rose dive into the core of constructing a meaningful value system, the significant impact social media has on our lives, and a critical perspective on mental health, including the misinterpretation of trauma and the vital role of embracing struggle. 

He emphasizes the importance of prioritizing personal values, embracing challenges, and consciously investing emotional energy.

Table of Contents

  1. The power of prioritization and values
  2. Zen Buddhism principles and personal development
  3. Reframing the concept of passion
  4. The misconception around ‘not giving a f*ck’
  5. The transience of material possessions
  6. The importance of tailored advice for children
  7. Consciously defining personal values
  8. Avoiding intellectual echo chambers
  9. The trade-offs between lifestyles
  10. Taking responsibility for actions and problems
  11. Long-term investments in health, wealth, and relationships
  12. Understanding multifaceted roles in relationships

The power of prioritization and values

Mark Manson underscores the importance of being aware of where one invests attention and emotional energy, particularly in the era of social media.

He prompts individuals to reflect on their values and where they direct their emotional investments in a world filled with distractions.

Zen Buddhism principles and personal development

Manson’s integration of Zen Buddhism principles into his work offers a unique perspective on personal development.

He emphasizes continuous self-discovery and introspection, contrasting with narratives promising constant happiness, and highlights life’s evolving challenges as opportunities for growth.