Interviewers Are Looking for Emotional Intelligence—So Be Prepared for These Questions

Interviewers Are Looking for Emotional Intelligence—So Be Prepared for These Questions

Emotional intelligence-the savviness to be in tune with your emotions and others-can help land you that dream job. It’s not something you can fake in an interview, or convince your prospective boss that you have without demonstrating it through your behavior and stories. But emotional intelligence is one of the most in-demand skills of 2020.

What Is Emotional Intelligence and Why Are Interviewers Asking About It?

Also known as EQ, it encompasses both internal and external elements, and you can build it up like a muscle.

Describe Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Emphasize your honesty, self-awareness, ability to take feedback, and motivation to pursue growth.

What’s Something You’ve Done in the Last Year to Grow Professionally?

People who are introspective and in tune with their own emotions and strengths and weaknesses are able to openly identify and convey what they’re doing to improve themselves

How Are You Most Likely to Be Misunderstood by Others?

Show awareness of the vibes you put off in a workplace environment and your understanding of your impact on others.

How Do You Respond When a Coworker Challenges You in a Meeting?

How you answer this interview question reveals your ability to regulate your emotions when the stakes are high and the situation is charged.

A Few Quick Tips for Demonstrating Emotional Intelligence in an Interview

Integrating examples of EQ in most of your answers

When You Start a New Job, How Do You Adapt to Your Work Environment?

If your answer focuses broadly on relationship building rather than narrowly on getting up to speed on your own tasks, that demonstrates you value teamwork and realize your projects won’t happen in a vacuum.

What Inspires You?

Being able to answer this question demonstrates you are thinking about your own future intentionally, rather than floating through your career half-heartedly

Tell Me About a Time You Experienced a Conflict at Work

This question is really about your thought process in addressing an issue

Tell Me About a Time You Experienced a Setback and How You Dealt With It

Someone with high EQ tends to use setbacks to learn and gain the advantage of new knowledge about themselves, others, and workplace processes that will help them avoid similar issues and set them up to succeed the next time around

What Would You Do if You Noticed a Coworker Was Struggling With Their Work?

When answering this question, illustrate concrete steps you would take to help a coworker who’s struggling. Remember that it may not be an indication of their abilities.


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