It’s hard to be a moral person. Technology is making it harder.

It’s hard to be a moral person. Technology is making it harder.

It was on the day I read a Facebook post by my sick friend that I started to really question my relationship with technology. An old friend had posted a status update saying he needed to rush to the hospital because he was having a health crisis. I recognized the post as a plea for support, but did nothing about it.

Digital technology often seems to make it harder for us to respond in the right way when someone is suffering and needs our help

What if digital technology is degrading our capacity for moral attention – the capacity to notice the morally salient features of a given situation so that we can respond appropriately?

It’s a curiosity gap.

When you see the number [go up], it’s tapping into novelty seeking – same as a slot machine. It’s making you aware of a gap in your knowledge and now you want to close it. “We’ve all been there,” he assures me.

Human Downgrading

Evidence suggests that digital tech erodes our attention, eroding our moral attention, and eroding empathy

Democracy itself is at stake

The past few years have seen mounting concern over the way social media gives authoritarian politicians a leg up

The idea of moral attention goes back to ancient Greece

Simone Weil, an early 20th-century French philosopher and Christian mystic, wrote that to be able to properly pay attention to someone else – to become fully receptive to their situation in all its complexity – you need to first get your own self out of the way

Why don’t we build tech that enhances moral attention?

Companies such as Facebook have found a winning strategy for capturing our attention

What was really happening the day I got distracted from my sick friend’s Facebook post and went to look at my Gmail instead?

Tristan Harris, a former design ethicist at Google, leads the Center for Humane Technology, which aims to realign tech with humanity’s best interests.

The consequences can be catastrophic

In Myanmar, Facebook users used the platform to incite violence against the Rohingya, a mostly Muslim minority group in the Buddhist-majority country.

So, what can we do?

We have two main options: regulation and self-regulation.

What is needed, then, is ongoing training: the ability not just to withdraw attention, but to invest it somewhere else, to enlarge and proliferate it, to improve its acuity.

Odell describes how she’s trained her attention by studying nature, especially birds and plants

With notifications coming at us from all sides, it’s never been easier to have an excuse to attenuate or leave an uncomfortable stimulus

By fragmenting my attention and dangling before it the possibility of something newer and happier, Gmail’s design had exploited my innate psychological vulnerabilities and had made me more likely to turn away from my sick friend’s post, degrading my moral attention.

Recent US election

As former President Donald Trump racked up millions of votes, many liberals wondered incredulously how nearly half of the electorate could possibly vote for a man who had put kids in cages, enabled a pandemic that had killed many thousands of Americans, and so much more. How was all this not a dealbreaker?

The business model shifts our collective attention to certain stories to the exclusion of others

We become increasingly convinced that we are good and the other side is evil


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