McKinsey built an $11B brand. Learn their trust-building formula

McKinsey built an $11B brand. Learn their trust-building formula

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For reliability, it’s pretty

For reliability, it’s pretty straightforward.

This is easy to demonstrate by:

• Being on time
• Communicating clearly
• Delivering when you said you would
• Make yourself fit in – “people like us, deal with people like us”

Just do as you promise.

Credibility: your knowledge• Do

Credibility: your knowledge

• Do you have the skills?
• Do you bring credentials?
• Are you a domain expert in the field?

TL;DR:Trust is essential in


Trust is essential in all walks of life, and often overlooked in business.

Think about trust when building your audience.

Build it by improving:
• Intimacy
• Reliability
• Credibility

and don’t ruin it by being selfish.

If the answer is

If the answer is no, address that first.

Find what element might be missing, and experiment with intent.

Sometimes you might even choose to address it directly.

In any case: pushing content is futile if the trust is broken.

Reliability: your actions• Can

Reliability: your actions

• Can I count on you?
• Will you do as you promise?
• Can I trust you with my information?

Then, below the line,

Then, below the line, you find self-orientation.

This translates to whether the person perceives you as selfish, or whether they feel you have a common goal.

McKinsey built an $11B

McKinsey built an $11B brand by leaving nothing to chance.

Not even earning trust.

Here’s McKinsey’s trust-building formula:

Enjoyed that?1. Give me

Enjoyed that?

1. Give me @polak_jasper a follow. I write about making operations profitable and ready for growth

2. Retweet the tweet below so many more can enjoy it with you!

In the model, you

In the model, you are perceived trustworthy if the sum of your

credibility + reliability + intimacy

exceeds your self-orientation.

Let’s break it down:

Create appropriate intimacy.This is

Create appropriate intimacy.

This is what takes the relation beyond transactional.

• Create safety
• Find common ground
• Be authentic & intentional
• Open up or ask about (appropriate) private things

Tip: scan someone’s office, and mention their painting.

This one is personal

This one is personal for me.

As a climber, I put my life (the rope) literally in someone’s hands.

The first few times, it’s awkward, and you play it safe.

But it builds intimacy like no other.

Why? Trust.

All my climbing partners pass the “date my daughter test”.

Next, let’s make it

Next, let’s make it practical!

To increase credibility, these things contribute:

• Previous results
• Endorsements or referrals
• Degrees, titles, and certificates
• Earlier experiences with you in this field

Above all: do you really know what you’re talking about?

Intimacy: the relationship• Is

Intimacy: the relationship

• Is there perceived safety?
• Is there a personal connection?
• Are you comfortable with each other?

Finally: self-orientationThis is all

Finally: self-orientation

This is all about how you are perceived.

• Show real interest
• Be supportive and ask for help
• Put the other person in the spotlight, make it about them

Tip: get on the same side of the table. Both physically & metaphorically.

Note that the top

Note that the top parts add up:

High credibility & intimacy can make up for lower reliability.

But: ace the top three while being selfish? No trust!

Think about this the next time you find yourself in a tricky situation: is there mutual trust?

During my time with

During my time with McKinsey, I quickly learned that trust is the basis for everything they do.

You need to earn trust from your
• Team
• Peers
• Clients
• Partners
• Prospects

Being McKinsey, they took their learnings and train consultants based on this formula:


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