Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time –  Keith Ferrazzi, Tahl Raz

Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time – Keith Ferrazzi, Tahl Raz

Success in any field, but especially in business, is about working with people, not against them.

Becoming a good networker


Power, today, comes from sharing information, not withholding it.

Networking: developing the right mindset

The key to effective networking is to add value in order to help others succeed:


People who are super-connectors know a lot of people. They are well-known for having hundreds or thousands of contacts, and their contacts frequently come from diverse backgrounds.

If you are not a super-connector, you should try to develop a relationship with one. Knowing such a person can be extremely beneficial to you.

Relationships are all there are. Everything in the universe exists only because it is related to everything else. Nothing exists in isolation. We have to stop pretending we are individuals that can go it alone.

Wherever you are in life right now, and whatever you know, is a result of the ideas, experiences, and people you have interacted with in your life.

Build your network long before you need it

If you build a foundation of understanding and trust with someone, you can always count on their assistance when you face a problem you can’t solve on your own.

Nobody likes a leech who only comes to you when they need something from you. Everyone desires to be respected and valued.

Develop the required networking skills

Make a list of specific people who can assist you in achieving your mission and short- and mid-term goals. Always plan ahead of time for meetings.

Approaching new contacts: Learn how to warm up cold leads ahead of time (do not make cold calls) and how to deal with gatekeepers deftly.

Basic hygiene:


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