The Next Big Thing is here.. #NextBigWhat V4

An update on NextBig-What / Atomic Ideas newsletter.


Here's a quick announcement, with a bit of history:

I launched the AtomicIdeas newsletter 1.5 years back to share bite-sized insights from the stuff I was reading: books, podcasts, and more (pre-GPT era).

Over the years, the community has grown, the world has changed (thanks to Gen AI), and we are now making a bold move by merging this newsletter with the brand, i.e. the newsletter will now be the homepage of, the parent brand!

Why the change?

We were looking at establishing a direct connection with the community and hence the decision to merge web, email and community in one platform.

Plus, the newsletter needs to evolve into a bigger platform (thanks to a wider set of audience we have, from 90+ countries) and that’s where NextBigWhat comes in.

NextBigWhat has been deeply and honestly focused on enabling founders, leaders and professionals to think bigger, collaborate with each other and this avatar, backed by Substack’s platform brings the everything in one place -web, newsletter and the community.

Your attention is valuable, and this integration allows for a seamless transition between the website and the newsletter.

What to expect from NextBig-What’s new avatar?

To start with, a whole lot of curated ideas which are hidden in news, books, podcasts, news, reports.

We start where the news cycle ends.

Being a bootstrapped / independent entity helps us stay neutral and not become a mouthpiece to anyone. Expect a lot of curated insights, community threads and interactive experience going forward.

When it comes to topics, we bring you big ideas on a range of topics: right from AI to mental health, growth marketing to personal development, with a strong focus on giving you max RoI of your time spent with us (max 10 mins a day).

We currently offer 3 newsletters

  • Big Ideas: Curated insights from latest books, podcasts (this is the default newsletter).
  • Chief AI officer: An AI newsletter for busy professionals: a mix of latest AI insights, short news and useful tools.
  • India++: Insights / commentaries around India opportunity (tech, mfg, fin et al).
  • <Anything else>, you’d like to be covered, please email to [email protected]).

And we have added a bit of subscription - this helps us stay true to the cause (we don’t want to run 1000s of ads and spam you - we never did and we never will).

We are currently offering 20% discount in the annual subscription - do consider taking it up to experience the new NextBigWhat!

India based subscribers can subscribe using the Razorpay link below (as Stripe doesn’t work with all Indian cards).

See you on the other side of the subscription paywall :)


What happens to my existing subscription?

It will continue as-is (+ you get access to the new features and newsletters). If you love what you see, do share with your colleagues!

What shouldn’t you expect from NBW?

  • Sensational News: At our core is the basic qn: how can we be useful to you in the long run? And sensational headlines / news isn’t the way to go.
  • A lot of long-forms: Great insights need not be long-form.
    We are curators-first and that means, we will deliver you more ideas via different formats (like even a short thread).

What about AtomicIdeas?
We’ll continue delivering your favorite bite-sized ideas every weekend. The merge with NextBig-What will only make it better.  (launching something very useful on AtomicIdeas.AI soon).

-Ashish Sinha.

Founder, NextBigWhat