Salesforce Open-Sources ‘CodeT5’, A Machine Learning Model That Understands and Generates Code in Real Time

Salesforce Open-Sources ‘CodeT5’, A Machine Learning Model That Understands and Generates Code in Real Time

Unveiling the curtain on Salesforce's latest innovation, 'CodeT5', a machine learning model that revolutionizes the coding landscape. It's not just about understanding code, but generating it in real time, setting a new benchmark in the realm of AI-driven development.

Current coding pre-training systems have many challenges

Most current methods consider source code a sequence of tokens like in natural language (NL).

CodeT5 achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on fourteen subtasks in a code intelligence benchmark CodeXGLUE

It can generate text-to-code generation, code autocompletion, and code summarization

New deep learning model can distinguish between normal and abnormal chest X-rays

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