Science fiction, often called “sci-fi,” is a genre of fiction literature whose content is imaginative, but based in science. It relies heavily on scientific facts, theories, and principles as support for its settings, characters, themes, and plot-lines, which makes it different from fantasy.

Example of Science Fiction

Set in the future, when humans no longer live on Earth

Example 2: George Orwell’s 1984

Set in what is now the United Kingdom, and shows society under tyrannical rule of a government that has their population under constant surveillance and threat of imprisonment for having wrong thoughts

The Matrix

A sci-fi action film that thrilled audiences upon its release

Space Opera

One of the most popular forms of science fiction where the whole story or majority of the story takes place in outer space.

Importance of Science Fiction

Many times, science fiction turns real scientific theories into full stories about what is possible and/or imaginable


Science fiction is a genre of possibility, imagination, and innovation whose popularity rises in relation to advances in science and technology

Example 1: H.G. Wells’ 1898 novel The War of the Worlds

The narrator describes a time when mankind was naive. He is setting up for the story of when Earth was unexpectedly attacked by an alien race, and how they were completely unprepared and too proud to believe that any other force in the universe could threaten them

Example 1: Star Wars

Perhaps the most popular and well-known example of science fiction in popular culture-specifically “space opera” science fiction-are George Lucas’s legendary Star Wars films.

Hard science fiction

Follows scientific principles and is focused on natural sciences

Soft Science Fiction

Soft science fiction is characterized by a focus on social sciences, like anthropology, sociology, psychology, politics-in other words, sciences involving human behavior.


Fantasy focuses on imaginary elements (the fantastic) and can mean magic, the supernatural, alternate worlds, superheroes, monsters, aliens, and so on.


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