Should you be optimistic about the future of technology?

Should you be optimistic about the future of technology?

‘I think we’re going to look back and be like that was crazy barbaric…that era is I think how we’ll look at some of this Transportation stuff.’ – Michael Seibel

Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel delve into the discussion of the future of technology, weighing optimism against pessimism.

They provide a fresh perspective on how to perceive technological advancements and failures, especially for aspiring founders.

Table of Contents

  1. The Importance of Perspective
  2. Technological Improvements
  3. Emerging Technologies
  4. Optimistic Outlook for Aspiring Founders
  5. Future Society Transformed by Space Travel

The Importance of Perspective

Despite the high failure rate of startups, it is essential to maintain an optimistic view about the future of technology.

A pessimistic outlook can be easy to develop if one only focuses on negative news stories or failed ventures.

However, considering overall progress made over recent decades reveals many reasons for optimism.

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Technological Improvements

Significant improvements have been made in several areas due to technology since the 90s: availability of information, communication, transportation, healthcare, and entertainment.

While these improvements may not have been immediately obvious at their inception, their impact now is undeniable.

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