Stop doubting yourself and go after what you really want

Stop doubting yourself and go after what you really want

Mario Lanzarotti shares his insights on self-doubt and its relationship with personal growth and self-development. He emphasizes the importance of self-love, forgiveness, and the power of viewing self-doubt as a friend rather than an enemy.

Understanding the nature of self-doubt

Self-doubt is a mental conversation where your mind questions your ability to find a solution to a problem.

It can silence your intuition and steer you away from discovering what you really want.

However, the power of self-doubt over you is determined by your relationship with it.

Not knowing how to deal with your doubts delays your dreams. – Mario Lanzarotti

The role of loneliness and trust

Loneliness can amplify self-doubt as individuals often feel misunderstood.

Sharing your self-doubt with someone you trust can build self-trust and spark confidence.

This process is an essential part of personal growth.

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