The 4 Habits of All Successful Relationships – Jonathan Taylor-Cummings, Andrea Taylor-Cummings

The 4 Habits of All Successful Relationships – Jonathan Taylor-Cummings, Andrea Taylor-Cummings

Four ways to improve relationships.

The Big Ideas

There are four habits that show you how to have successful relationships: 1. Be curious, not critical. 2: Be careful not to crush anything. 3: Ask; don’t assume. 4: Connect before you correct.

If you make more withdrawals than deposits, your relationship will struggle. Keep a healthy balance.

You can explore relationships in two dimensions. Motivation: How motivated are you to maintain and improve this relationship? Ability: How able are you to maintain and improve this relationship?

Habit #2: BE CAREFUL, not crushing

This one is all about self-management, building strong skills in managing conflict, learning to treat each other well no matter how heated the argument, and working toward genuine resolutions so that relationships are strengthened and not damaged through conflict.

Habit #4: CONNECT, before you correct

This one is all about learning to build great rapport, warmth, and connection in relationships by consistently communicating appreciation and love in meaningful ways and overcoming the hurdle of feeling unvalued because of poor communication.

Mutual Satisfaction and Frustration

Most healthy relationships go through cycles between mutual satisfaction and frustration from time to time, which is perfectly fine as long as you keep learning and improving your understanding of each other and don’t get stuck or set up camp in the frustration zone.

How To Have Successful Relationships: The Big Ideas Expanded


In times of desperation, the oxygen in the relationship is running low, and typically people are ill-equipped to breathe life back into it on their own.

Desperation is toxic. Differences are misunderstood, needs are mostly unmet, and the likely experience is one of tension, frequent conflicts, and an unending cycle of unmet expectations followed by disappointment, followed by negative reactions on either side, causing the relationship to spiral downward.

Habit #1: BE CURIOUS, not critical

This habit is all about developing our self-awareness (and other-awareness!) through understanding fundamental differences, learning to give each other ‘space and grace’ to shine in our own strengths, and overcoming the frustration of unmet expectations.

Habit #3: ASK, don’t assume

This habit is all about developing the social skills to build mutual trust and respect in relationships by clarifying values, having courageous conversations about things that really matter to us when necessary, and overcoming the hurdles of mistrust and distance that can creep into relationships.


The Isolation Quadrant is a place where no one wins. People “check out” physically and/or mentally. They leave companies. They leave their families. They leave friendships behind.

Key actions for a successful relationship:

Great relationships don’t just happen – they are built on purpose.

Manage the Emotional Bank Account

When the bank account is low, you need to ask this fundamental question:

‘Do I really care enough to put in the effort to maintain or improve this relationship?’

Successful Relationship Quadrant

The status of your relationships can be viewed from two dimensions:

Motivation: How motivated are you to maintain or improve this relationship?

Ability: How able are you to maintain or improve this relationship?


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