The fourth industrial revolution: a primer on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The fourth industrial revolution: a primer on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Embarking on the journey of the fourth industrial revolution, we find ourselves at the precipice of a new era shaped by Artificial Intelligence. This primer serves as your compass, navigating the complex landscape of AI, its implications, and transformative potential.

What is AI? Why is it important? And why now?

While there is growing interest in AI, the field is understood mainly by specialists.

Deep Learning: Offloading feature specification

Deep learning avoids the programmer having to undertake the tasks of feature specification and optimization

Why is AI important?

Since the 1950s, AI research has focused on five fields of enquiry: Reasoning, Knowledge, Planning, Communication, Perception, AI is valuable because in many contexts, progress in these capabilities offers revolutionary, rather than evolutionary, capabilities

Extensive data

Today, as we enter the ‘third wave’ of data, humanity produces 2.2 exabytes (2,300 million gigabytes) of data every day; 90% of all the world’s data has been created in the last 24 months

Artificial intelligence: The science of intelligent programs

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a general term that refers to hardware or software that exhibits behavior which appears intelligent

Cloud services

The development of machine learning is being catalysed by the provision of cloud-based machine learning infrastructure and services from the industry’s leading cloud providers

Machine Learning: Offloading Optimization

The goal of machine learning is to develop a prediction engine for a particular use case

Specialised hardware

Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) are specialised electronic circuits that are slashing the time required to train the neural networks used for deep learning

Interest and entrepreneurship

The public’s interest in AI has increased six-fold in the last five years.

What happens next?

The benefits of machine learning will be numerous and significant.

How does deep learning work?

Deep learning involves using an artificial ‘neural network’ – a collection of ‘neurons’ (software-based calculators) connected together

Why is AI coming of age today?

The effectiveness of AI has been transformed in recent years due to the development of new algorithms, greater availability of data to inform them, better hardware to train them, and cloud-based services to catalyse their adoption among developers.

Improved Algorithms

Our ability to recognize objects within images has been transformed by the development of convolutional neural networks (CNNs).


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