The Magic Of Thinking Big  –   David J. Schwartz

The Magic Of Thinking Big – David J. Schwartz

Everyone should read this book once so they can comprehend the vastness of the world without mental limitations.

Big picture thinking

Most people live their lives with small ambitions, goals, and thoughts, and they only grow to the size of their dreams.

We are all, more than we realize, products of the thinking that surrounds us. Much of this thinking is small and insignificant.

You can achieve great things by thinking big, also known as “10x” thinking, as long as you believe in yourself and follow through on your big goals.

The power of belief

People who think they can move mountains actually do. Those who think they can’t, actually can’t. Belief triggers the power to do, or not do something.  

The company we keep

Prolonged association with negative people molds us into their likeness, and close contact with petty people molds us into petty people.

Companionship with people who have big ideas expands our thinking; close contact with ambitious people inspires us to be ambitious.

Everyone wants to feel important, so make that happen for them.

Give people more than they expect to receive.

The disease Of failures: Excusitis

You must first immunize yourself against excuseitis, the disease of failures, as the first step in your strategy to think yourself to success.

Increasing your likeability

Making yourself big

Developing ideas

How to develop and utilize your ideas:



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