Top 10 things everybody should know about science

Top 10 things everybody should know about science

n the opening chapter of his famous Lectures on Physics, Richard Feynman pondered the nature of science, the laws of physics, and the best way to teach it all. He emphasized that much of the vast accumulation of scientific knowledge could be condensed into some essential principles that allowed all sorts of sophisticated deductions

In his reply, Feynman went on to demonstrate just how much about the workings of nature could be explained from the idea expressed in that tweet.

In 1988, I wrote a newspaper column expanding on this example, identifying a set of similar principles and ideas that educated people ought to know about science.

Science successfully explains natural phenomena through rational investigation and logical reasoning

Science explains nature rationally and logically, eschewing superstition and mysticism

There is more to be discovered, and principles today unknown will someday yield their secrets to continued inquiry, if the culture of the future remains educated enough to permit science to survive.

The world is vast, and there is more substance than Twitter can accommodate


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