What is lab-grown meat? How it’s made, environmental impact and more

What is lab-grown meat? How it’s made, environmental impact and more

Cultured meat has gone through numerous rebrands since its early positing as ‘vat meat’, which triggered unappealing visions of high-tech Spam. Now, ‘cultured meat’ has evolved to ‘cultivated meat’ which is the preferred term used by CEOs.

A vegan growth medium

Until recently, about 20% of the growth medium used to be foetal bovine serum, drawn from the blood of a cow foetus.

How different is cultivated meat from the real thing?

Cellular farming doesn’t grow cuts of meat, with bone and skin, or fat marbled through it like a succulent ribeye steak

No-hunt exotic beasts

Start-up Primeval Foods sees the next logical step in culturing meat cells as a chance to taste exotic, off-limits animals such as lion and zebra

Mass Production

You need to be churning out “a minimum of 15 million pounds [6.8 million kilos] per year at a facility, which is sort of a rule of thumb for national distribution across the US or Western Europe.”

Ethically, can everyone eat it?

Vegetarians could eat it if they have an appetite

How is lab-grown meat made?

Cells are acquired from an animal by harmless biopsy, then placed in a warm, sterile vessel with a solution called a growth medium, containing nutrients including salts, proteins and carbohydrates.

Is lab-grown meat as nutritious as regular meat?

The nutrient profile will be similar, but it will also be possible to enhance or even personalize it

Is it better for the environment?

We can’t know until mass production is happening

What would happen to farmers and their animals if cultivated meat takes off?

Small-scale conventional farming will still be used for premium meat cuts and dairy products for years to come

Dairy, without the cow

Perfect Day’s milk protein is already available in over 5,000 stores across the US.


Gelatine fibres being produced to be added to cultivated meat to improve its texture

Egg whites, without the chicken

Every Company uses fermentation to make egg white, a soluble version of the protein that even the fussiest palate would be hard-pressed to taste or see.

Bluefin tuna, but no fishing

Finless Foods is creating animal-free fish by using bluefin tuna cells in what it calls a microbrewery-style production facility

When can people buy it?

In Singapore, GOOD Meat can be bought for home delivery via the Foodpanda app


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