Why is it so hard to give AI common sense?

Why is it so hard to give AI common sense?

As an artificial intelligence researcher, my work is part of a broad effort to give computers a semblance of common sense. It’s an extremely challenging effort. In reality, in accomplishing these feats, humans are relying on not one but a powerful set of universal abilities known as common sense

Quick – define common sense

Modern definitions today agree that, at minimum, it is a natural, rather than formally taught, human ability that allows people to navigate daily life.

Recognizing AI common sense

Even if you accept that some overlap and ambiguity in theories of common sense is inevitable, can researchers ever really be sure that an AI has common sense?

Common sense is hard to compute

Despite enormous advances in AI, especially in game-playing and computer vision, machine common sense with the richness of human common sense remains a distant possibility.

Transformers to the rescue?

Recently, a type of advanced deep learning AI called transformers have been used to model natural language in a powerful way and, with some adjustments, are able to answer simple commonsense questions.


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