Winfluence  –   Jason Falls

Winfluence – Jason Falls

Winfluence by Jason Falls is a comprehensive guide to influence marketing.

The book explores the different types of influencers, the strategies and tactics for effective influencer marketing, and the importance of authenticity and ethics in the influencer space.

It provides an in-depth look at the potential of influencer marketing and how businesses can use it to reach their goals. Jason Falls also outlines the pitfalls and challenges of influencer marketing, and how to avoid them. 

Winfluence is an essential resource for businesses looking to get the most out of their influence marketing efforts.

The Six Principles of Influence

#1 Reciprocity

You give to get. It’s why when someone buys you lunch or coffee, you instinctively want to return the favor at some point. I

#2 Scarcity

The phrases “supplies are limited” or “for a limited time only” exist to create an aura of scarcity around the product. If we think there aren’t enough for everyone, the prestige of being one of the few people to own one punches our pride and ego buttons.

#3 Authority

Authority is the perception or belief that you are an expert in a given subject matter. Notice I didn’t say you actually are an expert. What matters is that your audience thinks you are.

#4 Consistency

In the context of influencer marketing, consistency is the long-term application of the previous principle of authority. Consistency refers to an audience’s tendency to validate their previous decisions or behavior by doing something similar, even if it doesn’t make much sense.

#5 Liking

People prefer to say yes to those that they like. This simple fact is often overlooked.

#6 Consensus

When we think everyone else is buying this or thinking that, we tend to buy this or think that, too. It’s the psychology behind “Four out of five dentists surveyed recommend!”

Ladder Up

Nothing you do in marketing should be done without laddering up. That’s the term many strategists use to indicate that whatever you’re doing should contribute to the overall efforts of your department, business, or brand.

If you have a clear understanding and explanation of how your day-to-day activities feed the goals of your department, division, and, ultimately, business, then you’re executing on a strategy. You’re laddering up appropriately.

Start with the Business Goals

Let’s say your business’s overall goal is to increase market share, which will require increasing customers and sales.

Marketing can contribute to that by:

The Problem with “Influencer” Marketing

We know there are people with big networks called “influencers” who may have an impact on our thinking or decision making when it comes to products. The marketing practitioners among you know leveraging the right online influencer can move your brand forward.

But the key word in the label isn’t “online.” It’s “influencer.” There are many people out there with big online audiences who cannot motivate that audience to act or think differently. And there are people around the world with no online audience who can do everything from influencing a buying decision to starting a movement.

The residual benefits of being smart with influence partners

It’s also good to consider that sometimes influence marketing isn’t just about intentional strategy.

Microsoft began partnering with those people of influence to create owned content—blog posts, white papers, webinars—around the topic. Now if you look for anything about digital transformation online, Microsoft owns a lot of real estate. And Google searches reward that.

Microsoft was just using influence partners as a natural byproduct of knowing their market, identifying the players in the audience, and building relationships with them.

These organic successes are derived from strategic planning, however. Without the intention of engaging with and understanding people with influence, Microsoft would never have been able to dream up, much less coordinate, such a success. It takes intention, immersion, and consistent engagement with influence partners to see unplanned successes emerge.

The Three Types of People Who Influence

People are influenced by:


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