8 Habits To Grow Your Career. What I’ve Learned In 20 Years And After Reading Over 300 Books.

8 Habits To Grow Your Career. What I’ve Learned In 20 Years And After Reading Over 300 Books.

Business is accelerating, and it’s always in search of growth. How to participate in this adventure while keeping yourself safe? After reading more than 300 books on psychology, business, personal development, creativity… and more than 20 years of career where I went from salesman to executive, I keep these 8 points if I had to summarize how to grow a career.

Be proactive

Assume 100% responsibility

Develop a hobby/side hustle

What was true yesterday won’t be tomorrow.


Read anything that excites your curiosity and can help you grow

Welcome your doubts

It’s not a wrong signal; it’s a chance to grow.

Develop your productivity

Start with the big picture and keep it in mind: what do you want to do professionally? If everything was possible, what would you do?

The habit of extending your comfort zone

Expose yourself to risk more often.

My productivity system summarized in a one-page visual mind map

No system fits all, but there are a few points that can work for you.

Work on your innovation muscle

adopt a flexible mindset in the thought process and a consistent mind when it comes to actions

Learn to write

write in your journal to analyze your problems, your emotions, to transform your fears into actions


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