Always Postpone Meetings with Time-Wasting Morons – Scott Adams

Always Postpone Meetings with Time-Wasting Morons – Scott Adams

“Always Postpone Meetings with Time-Wasting Morons” is a humorous book written by the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, Scott Adams. The book is a collection of workplace stories and advice that poke fun at the absurdities of corporate culture and offer insights on how to deal with difficult coworkers and bosses.

Know your role

The book stresses the importance of understanding your role in the workplace and what is expected of you. By doing so, you can better manage your time and avoid getting bogged down by unnecessary meetings and distractions.

Be productive, not busy

The book argues that people should focus on being productive, not just busy. This requires setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and avoiding distractions that can derail your progress.

Use your brain

The book encourages readers to use their brains and think critically about their work. This includes questioning assumptions, seeking out new ideas, and being open to feedback and constructive criticism.

Don’t take yourself too seriously

Finally, the book suggests that people should maintain a sense of humor and not take themselves too seriously. By being able to laugh at yourself and your mistakes, you can reduce stress and maintain a positive outlook.

Don’t be a moron

The book also suggests that people should strive to be self-aware and avoid behaviors that waste time and cause problems for others. This includes being punctual, prepared, and respectful of others’ time.

Focus on the important

One of the book’s main themes is that people should prioritize their work and avoid getting sidetracked by unimportant tasks and distractions. This requires setting clear goals and being disciplined about how you use your time.

Manage your email

One chapter of the book is devoted to email management, which is an important skill in today’s digital workplace. The book offers tips for managing your inbox and avoiding email overload.

Embrace your inner moron

While the book is critical of time-wasting behavior, it also acknowledges that everyone has moments of being a “moron.” By embracing this fact and learning from your mistakes, you can become more productive and successful.

Communicate effectively

The book emphasizes the importance of clear and concise communication in the workplace. By communicating effectively, you can avoid misunderstandings and get more done in less time.

Avoid office politics

Another key takeaway is that people should avoid getting caught up in office politics and focus on their work. By staying out of drama and gossip, you can maintain a positive and productive work environment.


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