Beyond Command and Control – John Seddon

Beyond Command and Control – John Seddon

Beyond Command and Control is a book written by John Seddon. It was published on October 1, 2019. The book offers solutions to the UK productivity conundrum and is about business transformation and efficiency. The book received positive reviews and is considered to be one of the first books that can really bring about significant improvement in this field.

The book is aimed at solving the UK productivity crisis and improving organizational performance. It offers a new perspective on management, organizational design, and leadership and is based on John Seddon’s research and experience in the field.

Optimize Organizational Performance

To optimise organisational performance you need to focus on three things:

  1. Knowledge of customer demand
  2. Appreciation of what constitutes the value work, what matters to the customers
  3. Understanding how to measure the system’s achievement of purpose in customer terms

Learning To See

Leaders often copy what they see from other organizations after going on “digital safaris”. These run traps of leaders assuming what they see are the ingredients for success rather than the hidden parts of the system

Command and control definition

Error is assuming the problem with command and control is about bosses being bossy. The problem is control measures.

Bosses are bossy about the wrong things!

Customer Pain

Managers must experience the customer’s pain firsthand in order for the system to change. Meaningful change will not happen if customer pain and innovations are presented in their offices. Managers must “get out of their chairs” and spend a significant amount of time with customers.

It is only through feeling the emotion of customer pain that managers will be inspired to make a change. Studying the system is a vital first step.

Two key measures:

Learning how to see is a critical skill management need to learn


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