Digital Minimalism  –  Cal Newport

Digital Minimalism – Cal Newport

Digital minimalism outlines how we can obtain value from technology while limiting the drawbacks associated with digital clutter. Minimalism is the art of knowing how much is enough. Digital minimalism applies this idea to our technology. It is the key to living a focused life in an increasingly noisy world. Cal Newport provides an outline of how excessive technology is ruining our leisure time and our interactions. The alternative is stripping your technology back to the minimal tools that improve your life and interactions with others.

Introduction to Digital Minimalism

Digital Declutter Process

The tycoons of social media have to stop pretending that they’re friendly nerd gods building a better world and admit they’re just tobacco farmers in T-shirts selling an addictive product to children. Because, let’s face it, checking your “likes” is the new smoking.

The Return Curve

Simply put, humans are not wired to be constantly wired.

The Amish Hacker Principle

Benefits of digital minimalism

Principles of Digital Minimalism

Thoreau’s New Economics


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