Disciplined Entrepreneurship – Bill Aulet

Disciplined Entrepreneurship – Bill Aulet

A must read for new entrepreneurs.

Starting A New Venture

There are basically three different reasons that people start new ventures:

They have an idea; they have thought of a way to improve something or make a positive impact on the world.

They have a technological breakthrough; they have a new gadget that changes how people live or work.

Finally, they have a passion; they know they want to be entrepreneurs, even if they don’t yet know exactly what their product will be.


Some say that an entrepreneur needs to identify a customer pain, a problem that the customer will pay to fix. But it isn’t strictly necessary to start this way.

The Final Analysis

Market Segmentation

Customers are the single most important factor for a business, so build your company around customers, not products. There are limits, however, to letting customers guide your decisions. You needn’t chase after every potential customer on the planet.

How To Start

Start by brainstorming a wide variety of market opportunities. Even at this early stage, start talking to customers to see what they think. Analyze your potential market, and look at the industries where you can market your product. Write a list of people in that industry who might benefit from your product.

Ten Customers

A Beachhead Market

A company that features outstanding customer service retains a higher portion of customers compared to the competition. This reduces churn, which reduces expenses.

The Final Analysis Part 2

The End User and The Total Addressable Market

Market Research


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