Do Epic Shit – Ankur Warikoo

Do Epic Shit – Ankur Warikoo

Do Epic Shit is a book by Ankur Warikoo published in 2021. The book focuses on personal development and offers advice on how to achieve success in life. It is divided into six parts: Find Your Calling, Money, Failure, Success, Habits, and Growth.

The book encourages readers to take risks, push boundaries, and think differently in order to reach their goals. 

Ankur Warikoo writes about all the failures and successes he had in his life. He also reflects on the lessons he has learned the hard way to help us be aware of those situations. You will find valuable lessons in this book that you can use in your life.

Don’t live for pleasing others

Don’t try to live life pleasing people. It’s the worst way to live life. When you do so and live for external validation, you are giving control of your life to other people.

Make money, a lot of money. Not to buy stuff, but to buy freedom. The biggest privilege that money can buy is freedom.

If you are in your 20s, use it to discover yourself. Meet as many people as you can. Go to as many places as you can. Do as many jobs as you can. Find out what you are good at and what makes you happy. Then use your 30s to do that.

Be a leader. Don’t think everyone wants to lead. 99% of people want to be led. They want to be told what to do. Led them.

More advice on relationships

Don’t choose entrepreneurship if your primary goal is to make money, if you hate your job or if you think it’s cool because everyone else is doing it.


The most important skills today are Humour, storytelling, managing money, human psychology, and cold emailing.

You have to have a plan but without action they are nothing.

Follow the right set of people on social media and you’ll see more opportunities. You become like the people you spend the most time with- both online and offline.

Habits of Ankur Warikoo

Do Epic Shit: Key Points

Success and failure

Be curious

We are born with the innate quality to ask questions. But we are forced to stop asking questions by our parents and our teachers. You are curious by nature. It’s okay to ask questions that might sound dumb.

Don’t numb yourself. Nurturing your curiosity is the coolest thing in a world where people are scared of being called dumb.

Neither success nor failure matters. What matters is what you become through that process.

Most people are scared of being themselves. But it is one of the coolest ways to get attention.

There is discomfort in doing the unconventional but there is permanent discomfort in living life as a template.

Tough decisions

Here are the best mental models for taking tough decisions in life:

Addictions come from the feeling that doing something generates. We are not addicted to things. We are addicted to the emotions that these things generate.


Entrepreneurship is hard.

Being calm and aware

Stay away from social media. Because the smartest minds are working 24/7 to keep you hooked.


The greatest use of money is to buy freedom and it is the ultimate privilege.

Mistakes you should avoid with money:


Life your life


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