First, Break All the Rules – Marcus Buckingham, Curt Coffman

First, Break All the Rules – Marcus Buckingham, Curt Coffman

This book is a result of an exhaustive study undertaken by the Gallup organization exploring the concepts of employee satisfaction, selecting and maintaining good employees, and means of measuring employee satisfaction. The approach was revolutionary when published and has become a business classic because it challenged the status quo.

The Three Types Of Talent

The Why Of A Person

Striving talents explain the ‘why’ of a person: what motivates them, do they want to stand out, and is ‘good enough,’ good enough for them?

The How Of A Person

Thinking talents explain the ‘how’ of a person: how they think, their decision-making processes, are they focused, disciplined, strategic or non-linear in thinking.

The Who Of The Person

Relating talents to the ‘who’ of a person: who do they trust, who they build relationships with, do they avoid confrontation or have a desire to win people over? Do they love or hate surprises?

Workplace Strength: The 12 Questions

  1. Do I know what is expected of me at work?
  2. Do I have the equipment I need to do my work right?
  3. Do I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day?
  4. Have I received recognition for good work?
  5. Does anyone care about me as a person?
  6. Does anyone encourage my development?
  7. Do my opinions matter?
  8. Does the mission/purpose of my company make me feel my work is important?
  9. Are my co-workers committed to doing quality work?
  10. Do I have a best friend at work?
  11. Have I talked to someone about my progress recently?
  12. Have I had opportunities at work to learn and grow?

Career Check Discovery Questions

Intangible skills That Cannot Be Taught

We all possess talents within the context of these categories. It is important to recognize that talents can’t be taught, they can only be cultivated and encouraged within the work roles assigned to that person. Skills, on the other hand, can be taught.

As managers, we need to be aware of underlying talents and work with them rather than against them.

What Great Managers Do

Breaking The Status Quo

First Break All the Rules asserts that the status quo is counterproductive and encourages management to adopt innovative approaches to employee engagement.

There are four keys to unlocking potential in your employees: select for talents; suggest outcomes rather than direct control of the process; focus on your employees’ strengths and work around their weaknesses; and finally, find the right fit for your employees.

A Yes To All 12 Questions

It is your duty as a manager to insist that your staff members answer “yes” to each of the 12 questions. Profitability, productivity, employee retention, and customer satisfaction were all highly correlated with positive answers to these questions.

You will be able to recruit and keep top talent if you can come up with favorable answers to these queries.

Empathy And EQ Over Experience

Great managers know that every role in a workplace requires talent because there are recurring patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Managers that are able to select for these patterns will have more harmonious results on their team.

One of the biggest mistakes managers make is selecting other factors like experience or intelligence, and ignoring required talents (for example, empathy is a required trait for nurses).

The Four Keys

Defining The Right Outcome: The Rules

The Four Temptations That Hinder Growth

Create “perfect people”  by imposing a “best way” attitude and that you have the right answers. This is disempowering, and demeaning and prevents self-exploration and learning.

Managing Performance

Develop a performance management routine to keep focused on the progress of each person’s performance.

Routines are:

Ask the employee to keep track of his own performance and learning in a private document.

Basic Routine Questions

Identifying and Understanding Talent

We usually associate talent with recognized excellence. This definition of talent is not shared by great managers. It is too limited and specialized.

They define talent as a recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be applied productively. The word “recurring” is highlighted here. Your talents, they say, are the behaviors you frequently engage in.


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