How to use strategic thinking to create the life you want

How to use strategic thinking to create the life you want
How to use strategic thinking to create the life you want

‘Luck’ is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. – Seneca

Rainer Strack, a Managing Director and Senior Partner at Boston Consulting Group, introduces a seven-step program that uses strategic thinking to help individuals define and create the life they desire.

This concept of ‘Strategize Your Life’ borrows from corporate strategy methods and applies them to personal life, helping you align your actions with your vision for a fulfilling life.

Table of Contents

  1. Concept of Life Strategy
  2. Framework for Defining a Great Life
  3. Strategic Life Units
  4. Assessing Your Life Portfolio
  5. Aligning Your Portfolio
  6. Navigating Uncertainty

Concept of Life Strategy

Life strategy is an integrated set of choices that allows an individual to live a fulfilling life.

It involves defining one’s vision of success, purpose and what constitutes a great life, assessing the different components of one’s life (life portfolio), learning from best practices, making informed choices, and ensuring sustained change.

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Framework for Defining a Great Life

The PERMA-V model from positive psychology can be used as a framework for defining what makes up a great life.

This includes Positive emotions (contentment), Engagement (feeling in flow), Relationships (deep connections with others), Meaning (making the world better), Achievement (reaching goals), and Vitality (health).