Humor, Seriously – Jennifer Aaker, Naomi Bagdonas

Humor, Seriously – Jennifer Aaker, Naomi Bagdonas

Laughter is good for thinking because when people laugh, it is easier for them to admit new ideas to their minds

Humor charms and disarms. Even small gestures of levity are powerful in negotiations, in part because they spark human connection—and when we connect as people, we often get more of what we both want.


When you tell a story, try to escalate it and surprise the other person. Exaggeration works only if you take your interlocutor by surprise and turn your story around unexpectedly.

Then, be as specific as you can. When you introduce elements such as colors, details about a place, a smell, a sound, or anything else that can give life to your tale, you make it easier for your readers to understand you, as you’re building up a mental image for them.

Use analogies to your advantage

Compare something from your story to an outrageous example. Have your story stand out by making relatable, easy-to-get analogies. 

This will give your interlocutors a sense of deeper understanding of your tale and it will also entertain them better.

Four types of humor

The rule of three

List two expected things and a third unexpected element. 

Since our brain is used to patterns, it will automatically pay closer attention to something that doesn’t follow one and stands out.

Shared truths create the foundation for humor

Tap into the real things that happen to you and bring a little bit of humor into it. People will appreciate that and relate to the situation.

Doing this will create beautiful, shared moments between you and them, as they will identify more with you and drop formal behavior, allowing a closer bond to form.

Make sure not to force anything when it comes to joking around. Frustration can easily build up when you’re mocking real-life situations


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