Lean In – Sheryl Sandberg

Lean In – Sheryl Sandberg

Sheryl Sandberg has been Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer for over a decade. This is a fair and honest look at gender inequality.

The Premise

We are in a very interesting time right now, when women have more freedom to express themselves than ever before, largely because of the 1960s and 1970s feminist movements.

On the other hand, it appears as though the struggle for equality has been successful, advancements have been made, and things have been changing, albeit slowly. Inequality between the sexes persists in society’s many domains, particularly when it comes to occupations and work.

The women is an enemy of other women

Women frequently do not support one another, and we must change this in order to achieve a less inequitable situation.

For example, if a woman achieves a position of leadership in a predominantly male company, she begins to feel threatened by other women, stifling their advancement. Similarly, many working women are emotionally discouraged by stay-at-home mothers who do not work.

Men are from mars and women are from venus

Stereotypes do exist and continue to influence how our brain processes information.

Even today, men are expected to be decisive and direct, while women are expected to be sensitive. A successful woman defies her gender stereotype, which causes her to face unnecessary opposition from society.

Competent and ambitious men are lauded, whereas these women are derided. 

Tips for women: be politely honest, not brutally honest

Because there is no absolute truth, in order to communicate effectively, you must first try to see things from the other person’s perspective.

“I understand that you are concerned about this because you feel…” is a good way to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Another communication tip is to use “I” to express your opinions and disagreements: “I believe we should do this another way…” rather than “You’re wrong.”

Hidden inequality

We often believe that a masculine world discriminates against women, but women also sabotage themselves.

Both sexes perceive the female sex as having less value, and we must be aware of these issues because valid sexism exists and affects our lives.

This hidden inequality can also be found in the family and in relationships.

The truth about gender equality

Equality has to be on the agenda

Gender inequality must be addressed more frequently in order for it to be recognized and, eventually, reduced. It is not a question of demanding special treatment for women, but of involving people in the cause and seeking solutions.

When the conversation happens, more women are inspired to lead change, and more men who understand the issue want to be a part of the solution.

The few women on top are scrutinised

Due to a lack of females at the highest levels of leadership, the few women who achieve positions of power are scrutinized closely, transforming them into representatives for their entire gender, whether they want to play that role or not.

Marissa Mayer, for example, was criticized in the press after declaring that she would continue to work during her maternity leave.

Inequality at work and the self confidence of a woman

Discuss inequality openly with others in order to collaborate on a solution.

When we talk about gender inequality, we often find ways to help close the gap.

Fake confidence until it comes naturally.

Many women suffer from “imposter syndrome,” in which they believe their skills are inferior and thus avoid areas where career advancement requires confidence.

Gender stereotyping

Gender stereotypes are also a form of veiled sexism. Women are not expected to prioritize their careers or be ambitious, and those who do so are labelled as bossy, among other things.

These stereotypes are reinforced throughout life for the entire society, beginning in childhood, ultimately limiting each gender’s perspectives.


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