Product Strategy is not ‘Roadmap with dates’. Here’s Why

Product Strategy is not ‘Roadmap with dates’. Here’s Why

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Once you, as a

Once you, as a product unit/tribe/pod decide your Product Vision, Product Strategy is simply an approach to achieve that vision (and make it a reality).

Think of it like

Think of it like this: Company’s Vision/Mission is least evolving, followed by Product Vision and Strategy that may evolve but rarely and then finally ‘Roadmap+ Metrics = Actual Plan” is the most evolving – it can change multiple times in a year.

Hence, Product Strategy answers

Hence, Product Strategy answers the question ‘What approach do we take?’ (to make Vision a reality) , while Product Vision answers the question ‘Why do we need a product strategy’, in-fact it even informs ‘Why does the product team exist’

If there is no

If there is no Product Strategy or lets say there is one but it is a ‘Bad Product Strategy’, then the Vision cannot be achieved since the ‘Roadmap and metrics’ move in a certain direction (everyone feels happy about their features being delivered) but no one knows Why that…

But ‘What approach do

But ‘What approach do we take?’ can be interpreted in many ways, and hence to make it more clear: Product Strategy is ‘What problems do we solve? or Which bets do we take?

…direction is a good

…direction is a good direction.

Lastly, Product Strategy is ‘evolving’ – it is not set in stone.

and also not take?…

and also not take?… and in what sequence do we address those problems or take those bets?’ → this is what is meant by ‘Approach’.

Product Strategy is the jigsaw piece that connects ‘Vision’ (Company or Product’s) to ‘Actual Plan = Roadmap with metrics”.

Often, Product Strategy has

Often, Product Strategy has been confused with ‘Plan (Roadmap/Metrics) but it is in-fact different from it.


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