Red Teaming – Bryce G. Hoffman

Red Teaming – Bryce G. Hoffman

Red Teaming is a revolutionary new way to make critical and contrarian thinking part of the planning process of any organization, allowing companies to stress-test their strategies, flush out hidden threats and missed opportunities, and avoid being sandbagged by competitors.

Red teaming challenges your plans and the assumptions upon which they are based. It forces you to think differently about your business and consider alternative points of view.

Red Teaming: How to Succeed By Thinking Like the Enemy

The Seven Rules Of Red Teaming: You Can’t Be Always Right, But Don’t Be Always Wrong

A Red Team that is always wrong will never be taken seriously. Its warnings will be ignored. Its reports will go unread. Its members will lose their credibility. For that reason, red teams do need to pay attention to their track record and make sure that they hit the ball out of the park, at least occasionally.


If the Red Team misunderstands the problem it was asked to solve, recommends actions that have already proven unsuccessful, or suggests alternatives that are ethically, legally, or financially impossible, it will lose its credibility.

Implementing The Red Team

Red teaming is all about rigorous questioning and thinking unconventionally. Red teams consist of people who’ve proven to be contrarian thinkers. 

Three phases of a typical red teaming exercise

The Techniques Of Red Teaming

The Seven Rules Of Red Teaming: Red Teaming To Death

It is counterproductive for the red team to analyze every decision an organization makes. Constant “red teaming” can be stressful and demoralizing for employees who have their every move questioned and challenged. That is not the point of red-teaming, nor is it an effective use of it.


A “red team” should be used strategically and selectively. It should be brought in to analyze important decisions, major deals, and overarching strategies. It should be called on when problems cannot be satisfactorily solved through regular means.

The Seven Rules Of Red Teaming: Conflict Is Good

Good leaders know that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with conflict. 

Dealing with conflict lies at the heart of managing any business. As a result, confrontation—facing issues about which there is disagreement—can be avoided only at the manager’s peril. 


The issue can be put off, allowed to fester for a long time, smoothed over, or swept under the rug. But it is not going to disappear.

Conflicts must be resolved if the organization is to go forward. Constructive confrontation accelerates problem-solving.

The Seven Rules Of Red Teaming: Red Team Your Red Team

A Red team cannot become a routine and should always challenge itself. It should always encourage its members to voice different perspectives and conflicting views.

Mixing up the way the team uses those tools and techniques is also a good idea. If you approach every problem the same way, you run the risk of making red teaming a bureaucratic exercise rather than the game-changing tool it should be.

The Seven Rules Of Red Teaming: Don’t Give Up

Many companies like simple solutions that do not require too much effort to implement. They prefer short-term fixes that offer immediate results, even if they do little to address the underlying problem. They are less interested in long-term solutions that require a coordinated effort to implement and that often take time to move the needle in a big way.

The Seven Rules Of Red Teaming: Having Top Cover

In a business setting, a red team will be most effective when it reports directly to the CEO and enjoys his or her full support. In practice, that will not always be possible. 

If the red team tries to tackle problems outside of those areas, it is bound to find itself in conflict with other senior executives.

The Seven Rules Of Red Teaming: It Works If Leadership Lets It Work

Even when red team members conduct themselves blamelessly, it can still be a challenge to get the entire organization to embrace red teaming and take the red team’s recommendations to heart. 

Successful units also tend to resist red-teaming. They think that because they have been successful in the past, they know what it takes to be successful in the future.


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