Same as Ever by Morgan Housel: Book summary and Big Ideas

Same as Ever by Morgan Housel: Book summary and Big Ideas

Same as Ever by Morgan Housel: Book summary and big ideas. The book is about understanding that the rules of the game are always changing, and how we can play it better.

"Same as Ever" by Morgan Housel isn't just a book - it's a conversation about the unexpected twists of life. It's about understanding that the rules of the game are always changing, and how we can play it better.

When planning for the future we often ask, “What will the economy be doing this time next year?” Or, “What will be different ten years from now?” But forecasting is hard.

The important events that will shape the future are inherently unpredictable. Instead, we should be asking a different question: What will be the same ten years from now? What will be the same one hundred years from now!

I finished the book in 3 sittings - sharing summary of the book big Ideas from the book These ideas will challenge you to think differently about risk, happiness, and the stories we tell ourselves. It's about getting comfortable with uncertainty and learning from the surprises along the way.

Crazy doesn’t mean broken. Crazy is normal; beyond the point of crazy is normal

Does Not Compute

Navigating a world where quantifiable data reigns supreme, we're reminded that the most potent forces - emotions, beliefs, cultural trends - defy quantification.

These immeasurable elements shape our world, yet they slip through the cracks of data and analytics. Embracing this unquantifiable realm enriches our understanding and decision-making, urging us to value the qualitative just as much as the quantitative.

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Calm Plants the Seeds of Crazy
What's labeled as 'crazy' is often just an extension of normalcy. Life's calm phases plant the seeds for unexpected, extreme outcomes.

This ebb and flow between tranquility and upheaval is a natural rhythm, teaching us to brace for the unpredictable and accept the extraordinary as part of the ordinary.

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