The tightrope between satisfaction and ambition is tricky. Often, the promise of a better tomorrow overrides the satisfaction of today; it’s very easy to mistake ambition with an innate unhappiness with one’s current condition. What is ambition? How does it differ from complacency? Does it encourage unhappiness?

What’s ambition?

A strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work.

Does ambition encourage unhappiness with one’s current condition?

Many people believe that constantly being ambitious and striving for more takes away from the present and therefore reduces one’s happiness with their current condition


Ambition is not necessarily rooted in the pursuit of material things but rather the pervasive drive to pursue a goal(s)/achievement(s)

Happiness ≠ Satisfaction

Happiness is a momentary experience that can quickly appear and disappear – a state of mind

Central message: Striving for more doesn’t entail an unhappiness or ungratefulness for things a person may possess now, but a knowing and hope that they can accomplish and do more later down the road.

Explore your potential, find a new level of productivity, live healthier, and make an impact on the world.

The Wall of Catastrophic Calamitous Complacency

In many ways ambition and complacency are antonyms


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