The Compound Effect – Darren Hardy

The Compound Effect – Darren Hardy

Allow yourself to go and do it wrong. Don’t expect to always get it right. It will prevent you from doing anything

Compound Effect

The Compound Effect “is the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small, smart choices,” made consistently, over a long period of time.

For example, would you rather have (A) $3 million upfront or (B) one penny that doubles in value every day for 30 days?

If you have taken option (B) then – 

Day Money you have ($)

1 0.01

2 0.02




15 327.67




27 1,342,177.27

28 2,684,354.54

29 5,368,709.08

30 10,737,418.16

You will be able to see the change after 28 days. It’s the power of the Compound Effect.

Creating Good Habits


Creating Momentum

Create a good evening and morning routine.

List three areas of life where you’re not consistent enough. What has this cost you? Decide to be consistent from now on.

Create a habit register and write down a half-dozen key behaviors (which may be beneficial in the future).


Identify the influence of media and information on your life. Identify ways to protect it from the negative and fill it with positive information.

Evaluate your current associations. Which must you stop or limit? How will you expand your (good) associations?

Pick an accountable partner and decide when, how often, what to and how you’ll hold each other accountable.

Identify three areas of life you are most focused on improving. Find and engage a mentor in each area of those areas.


Luck = Preparation + Attitude + Opportunity + Action


Giving a little more energy or thought to your efforts won’t just improve your results; it will multiply them.

Identify times when you hit your moments of truth and commit to pushing through them when you next get there.

Find three areas in your life where you can do “extra” and make a plan to do more.


Identify three areas in your life where you can beat expectations, then plan where and how to create “wow” moments.

Identify three ways you can do the unexpected. Where can you differentiate between what is common, normal, or expected?

Eliminating Bad Habits

You can only control two things in life: Your attitude and your actions.

The Effect Explained

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge.

A daily routine built on good habits and discipline separates the most successful among us from everyone else.

Step by step, day by day, your choices will shape your actions until they become habits, where practice makes them permanent.

Actionable Steps


Consistency is the key to achieving and maintaining momentum


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