The Do’s and Don’ts of Measuring Employee Productivity in the Knowledge Economy

The Do’s and Don’ts of Measuring Employee Productivity in the Knowledge Economy

Unraveling the complexities of gauging employee productivity in the knowledge economy can be a daunting task. This guide will illuminate the do's and don'ts, offering a fresh perspective on how to effectively measure and enhance productivity in today's dynamic work environment.

Innovative solutions for measuring what seems immeasurable

Since the early 1900s our economy has undergone a profound shift from industry to the so-called “knowledge economy.”

Embrace employee autonomy

Knowledge workers should have the opportunity to shape their workdays in ways that they know make them more successful and productive

How do you measure and improve team culture?

The “Keystone Habit” is a habit that can start a chain reaction of organizational change

The People Puzzle

It’s less about standardizing human behavior to measure output and efficiency and more about empowering individuals and your team

Accounting for the human element

If employees don’t want to work for you, no amount of productivity measurement and optimization will solve that core problem.

Where the Classic Productivity Tracking Model Fails Us

Traditional ways of measuring productivity fail us in a few key ways

Can Team Productivity Be Measured?

The old “productivity = output divided by input” model fails us on many fronts

Remember the human element

Creating the best team has less to do with combining individually optimized rockstars and more with how members listen to one another and show sensitivity to feelings and needs

Quality is as important as quantity

Our inability to consistently measure output quality makes it hard to find an equation that makes sense for measuring knowledge worker productivity

“What is the task?”

Input is complicated. e.g. In manual work, the task is always obvious. In knowledge work, that’s rarely the case.


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