The Laws of Simplicity – John Maeda

The Laws of Simplicity – John Maeda

The book presents laws that the author has created for simplifying our lives and the things we may work on or design.

Law 4: LEARN

Knowledge makes everything simpler. Learning occurs best when there is a desire to attain specific knowledge.

To teach:

Reduction by the SHE Method: HIDE

When all features that can be removed have been done and a product has been made slim, light, and thin, it’s time for the second method: hiding the complexity through brute-force methods.

Hiding complexity behind ingenious mechanical doors or tiny display screens is an overt form of deception. If the deceit feels less like malevolence, more like magic, then hidden complexities become more of a treat than a nuisance.

The 10 Laws: Recap


Simplicity and complexity need each other.

Understand the duality in the world around you.

The Paradox Of Lost And Found

The opportunity lost by increasing the amount of blank space is gained back with enhanced attention on what remains.

There is an important tradeoff between being completely lost in the unknown and completely found in the familiar. Too familiar can have the positive aspect of making complete sense, which to some can seem boring; too unknown can have the negative connotation of danger, which to some can seem a thrill.


The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction.

When in doubt, just remove it. But be careful of what you remove.

Reduction by the SHE Method: Shrink

Simplicity is about the unexpected pleasure derived from what is likely to be insignificant and would otherwise go unnoticed.

Fragility is an essential counteracting force to complexity because it can instill pity, which by coincidence also occurs in the word complexity!

Reduction by the SHE Method: Embody

Embodying quality is primarily a business decision, more than one of design or technology. The quality can be actual, as embodied by better materials and craftsmanship, or it can be perceived, as portrayed in a thoughtful marketing campaign.

Exactly where to invest—in real or believed-to-be-real quality—to get the maximum return is a question with no single definitive answer.

Law 3: TIME

Shrinking the time of a process can sometimes only go so far, and so an alternative means to “saving” time is to hide its passage by simply removing time displays from the environment.


Our society, systems, and artifacts require active engagement in care, attention, and feeling; the business value may not be immediately apparent. But the fulfillment from living a meaningful life is the ROE (Return on Emotion).

A certain kind of more is always better than less—more care, more love, and more meaningful actions. I don’t think I need to say anything more. More emotions are better than less.

Law 8: TRUST

In simplicity, we trust.

The goal of leaning back is to achieve relaxation, the desired state.

Overconfidence is usually the enemy of greatness, and there’s little room for personal ego when pleasing a customer is the true priority.

The more a system knows about you, the less you have to think. Conversely, the more you know about the system, the greater control you can exert.


What lies in the periphery of simplicity is definitely not peripheral.

This law emphasizes the importance of what might become lost during the design process. That which appears to be of immediate relevance may not be nearly as important compared to everything else around. Our goal is to achieve a kind of enlightened shallowness.


Some things can never be made simple.

There’s always an ROF (return on failure) when you try to simplify, which is to learn from your mistakes.

Considering something complex or simple requires a frame of reference.

Law 10: THE ONE

Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.

Key 1: AWAY More appears like less by simply moving it far, far away.

Key 2: Openness: Openness simplifies complexity.

Key 3: POWER Use less, gain more.

LIFE: Technology and life only become complex if you let them.


Organization makes a system of many appear fewer.

To do it:

SORT: Write down on small post-it notes each piece of data to be SLIP-ped. Move them around on a flat surface to find the natural groupings.

Label: Each group deserves a relevant name. If a name cannot be decided upon, an arbitrary code can be assigned, such as a letter, number, or color.

INTEGRATE: Whenever possible, integrate groups that appear significantly like each other.

Prioritize: Finally, collect the highest priority items into a single set to ensure that they receive the most attention.


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