The Worry-Free Mind  –  Carol Kershaw

The Worry-Free Mind – Carol Kershaw

The Worry-Free Mind takes a close look at why we spend so much time worrying and what can be done to reduce these worries. Having a stressed-out mind may be part of being a human being, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take steps to better control your thoughts and emotions. Here are some tips and techniques to take control of your mind and live a happier life.

Stress and worry

Much of your incessant worrying is due to an overabundance of stress-related chemicals in your body.

Since we’re no longer chased by wild animals, or chasing them down for meat, these stress chemicals stay built up in our bodies and keep us in a state of constant worry.

The biochemicals related to this state of worry and stress can only be alleviated by engaging in vigorous activity.


The ability to synchronize the human brain to alpha was first demonstrated in the 1960s by Les Fehmi.

In the 1970s, Anna Wise and C. Maxwell Cade, found that meditation led to an increased amount of alpha frequency in the brain.

Five different brainwave frequencies that correspond to different states of being

The brain is made up of billions of nerve cells called neurons that use electric pulses to communicate with each other. Depending on what you’re thinking, feeling or doing, these pulses create brainwaves of different frequencies.

To better understand your brain, you should know that it can switch between five different frequencies, depending on what you’re doing. The five brainwave frequencies can be measured in hertz, or cycles per second. These waves are called delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma.


Memories can have a negative impact on your present and future

If we keep thinking about a certain memory, we can get stuck in that emotion.

When we get hung up on a past regret, it also prevents the mind from focusing on creating new and better emotions in the present or recognizing opportunities for a better future.

The brainwave frequencies

Delta (0-4 Hz): Occurs in deep sleep and is extremely useful for growth and regeneration.

Theta (4-7 Hz): The frequency of deep relaxation, and is often reached in the moments after we wake up from the deep sleep.

Alpha (7-12 Hz): It is a conscious and calm state that allows you to regain energy.

Beta (12-35 Hz): A bright and attentive state. It’s good for the kind of focused attention you need for getting some work done.

Gamma (35-70 Hz): The sought-after state of flow exists, characterized by a blissful state of peace.

The Right Questions

By asking the right questions, we can identify the sources of our worries

The Conclusion

It’s completely natural to worry from time to time. But it’s a problem when your life is controlled by fears and anxieties. Fortunately, there are ways we can calm our minds and get some relief. The brain is very capable of falling into patterns that constantly promote stressful thoughts. But we can add new patterns to our daily routine and, before long, change the negative into a positive.

Take A Walk

To quickly calm your mind, engage your peripheral vision or take a walk

The key to cultivating a worry-free mind is to redirect your focus away from the things that trigger worry and stress.

One of the best ways to refocus your attention is to use peripheral vision—keep your attention locked straight ahead, but notice what’s to the left or right edges of your vision.

Future Thinking

Future thinking can improve your outlook on life by changing the way you question the future

When you spend all your time worrying, you’re blocking any chance of happiness, not to mention wasting energy that could be used to make a brighter future.

Future thinking is about looking forward with positivity and seeing opportunities rather than problems.


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